
Open Source Log Management Solution

ISO8601 DateTime Format Migration

Since Octopussy 1.0rc1, Octopussy uses ISO8601 DateTime Format.


RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat is now commented in /etc/rsyslog.conf:

#$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat

Then, your logs will be now formated like this:

2010-09-08T10:09:33.009922+01:00 <device> <message>

instead of

Sep  8 10:09:33 <device> <message>

In order to handle this new format:

Convert your old logs

You can convert your logs in old format with the octo_syslog2iso8601.pl program:

octo_syslog2iso8601.pl --device <device> --service <service> --timezone <+/-HH:MM>